In this series of articles, I will go through the ends and out of Sass. I will focus on the Basics and Setup, Advanced Techniques, Project Organization, and Best Practices and Common Pitfalls. I would like to apologize now for all the terrible puns that will come up (Sass tends to lend itself well to them)

This is the first article in the series.

Alright so now lets dive into Sass. But before we start writing code, what the heck is Sass anyway?

What is this Sass you speak of?

Sass or Syntactically Awesome Stylesheets, is pre-processor language for adding functionality and flexibility to CSS. A pre-processor is just a fancy way of saying that this code will be compiled in a syntax that is usable to another language, CSS in this case. More simply Sass adds variables, functions (mixins), inheritance, and nesting to make CSS awesome again.

There are two types of sass syntax: indent-based (.sass) and traditional braces (.scss). I will be using the traditional style as it is closer to vanilla CSS. Indent-based might be more familiar to users of python and ruby.

Why should I use it?

There are plenty of reasons to use Sass. The biggest advantage is the sheer amount of re-usability of style code. On top of this for you people who love to super organize your code Sass has an awesome @import rule that doesn't slow down page load. Here are just a few awesome advantages of using a pre-processor language.

Getting excited to start using Sass? Well then lets setup our dev environment.

Set it up!

There are number of excellent apps and command line processes for setting up a sass environment. So depending on your comfort level you can decide which option is the best fit for you.

All compilers for Sass follow the same process. The compiler runs a polling process that checks for file changes. When a Sass file is updated all files that are affected by it are compiled into CSS. Instantaneous compiling.

In addition to checking for file changes and compiling the output CSS many of the compilers feature additional options such as:

Debug mode - When enabled it will create comments in the compiled CSS that refer to the location they are created in the Sass. This is especially useful given that Sass compilers have a couple different compiler output methods

Output Style - There are four different output styles: Nested, Expanded, Compact and Compressed. Nested is the default and will properly indent nested styles. Expanded is exactly like vanilla CSS. Compact makes each rule take up a single line. Compressed removes all white space and essentially minifies the output.

"Scout is a cross-platform app that delivers the power of Sass & Compass into the hands of web designers."

Scout is probably the quickest and most painless way of setting up a Sass development environment. The Scout app is an adobe air application that you run on your desktop which contains all the necessary files for compiling Sass specific code.

Alternatives: Prepros

"Guard is a command line tool to easily handle events on file system modifications."

Guard is my preferred method of compiling Sass files. It runs in the command line with a few simple commands. Things to note is you need a working installation of ruby, ruby gems, and guard before you can use guard-sass. However, once setup it integrates nicely with growl or notification apps.

Alternatives: Compass

So now that we have our Sass environment setup we can start actually utilizing the pre-processor. Make sure your method of compiling Sass is active before the next steps

$heading: "Variables";

Lets take a look at Sass variables. These are the easiest to understand and use. Variables are defined by using a dollar sign($) to denote the start of them. A colon(:) is then used to separate the variable name from its value.

One of the great things about Sass is that it doesn't try to reinvent the syntax of CSS. It just extends it the make it more powerful

// Variables look like php except we use colon(:) instead of =

$dark-blue: #1e427c;

$green    : #7fb636;

// A style using a variable

h1 {

    color: $dark-blue;


a {

    background-color: $green;

    color: #fff;

 * This is the compiled CSS code
h1 {
    color: #1e4s7c;
a {
    background-color: #7fb636;
    color: #fff;

There it is, Sass at its most basic. By defining a variable before at the beginning of a file it can be reused later to create DRY code.

Nesting {nesting}

Nesting in Sass works logically and just makes sense. By placing rules inside one another they inherit their parent rule selectors. By nesting Sass rules you also give yourself a visual cue for selectors that are further down in the DOM.

Pro Tip: While nesting selectors is awesome, don't get carried away with them. If a single class selector will suffice there is no need to nest it within html body etc. Too much nesting will create unnecessary code bloat.
// Top level nested style

.twitter-feed {


    width: 300px;

    // Inner nested

    .heading {

        font: 400 14px/20px Verdana, sans-serif;

        color: #fff;


    p {

        color: #525252;

        // Inner Inner nested

        a {

            text-decoration: none;

            color: #00FF00;



.twitter-feed {
    float: right;
    width: 300px;
.twitter-feed .heading {
    font: 400 14px/20px Verdana, sans-serif;
.twitter-feed p {
    color: #525252;
.twitter-feed p a {
    text-decoration: none;
    color: #00FF00;

By this point you have setup a Sass environment and created your very first Sass file. In the next article I will go through more advanced techniques for using Sass including mixins, string interpolation, placeholders, extending, and calculations.

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